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The Transition to Lead Free Tapware and Mixers – March 2024 Update 

Australia is phasing out the use of lead in tapware to safeguard your drinking water. The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has amended the National Construction Code (NCC) to limit the allowable lead content in brass plumbing products, which contain copper alloys and are intended for use in contact with drinking water, to a weighted average lead content of not more than 0.25%.  We are currently in the transition period for this change and by May 2026, all tapware and mixers will fall in line with this new Lead Free standard, significantly reducing your exposure to this metal. 

Building Rating Tools Relevance

Having Enviro316 mixers equipped with the GreenTag GreenRate Level A and Platinum Health certifications means that they hold relevance across various esteemed building rating systems.

Water Hammer Fact Sheet

Myth: Water hammer is caused by the mixer or tapware, Fact: Water hammer is caused by a shock wave produced when water under pressure is turned off or shut off rapidly