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How does a GreenTag certified product contribute to sustainable building?

How does a GreenTag certified product contribute to sustainable building?

Phoenix Tapware
Phoenix Tapware
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By choosing GreenTag certified products, such as the Enviro316 collection from Phoenix, specifiers and homeowners can make a positive impact on the environment, and the health and well-being of the people who will live in the homes being designed and built. GreenTag certification is relevant to building rating systems as it can assist building projects to earn points or credits toward their sustainability goals.

When the Phoenix in-house design team brainstormed to create a collection that was environmentally responsible, they recognised the need to adhere to a set of guidelines and criteria that would ensure their products reached the highest eco-standards.  It was for this reason that Phoenix looked to GreenTag for the certification of it’s Enviro316 mixers. With Lead Free composition combined with award-winning design, Enviro316 was always destined to set a new standard in the tapware industry.  The addition of GreenTag certification has further enhanced these credentials.  The question then arises – what exactly does GreenTag mean and how can using a GreenTag certified product help to create environmentally responsible buildings?

What is GreenTag?

GreenTag is a third-party certification program that evaluates the environmental, health, and social impacts across a range of products. It is administered by Global GreenTag Pty Ltd, an Australian company that is accredited by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).  Global GreenTag is one of the most trusted and widely recognised ecolabels.  It helps specifiers and homeowners cut through the noise in the marketplace about green products, and assists them to have confidence in the choices that they are making for the people who will live in the houses they design and build, and the environment.

GreenTag certification is based on a range of criteria, which takes into account the environmental impacts of the product. These rigorous standards cover a wide range of environmental and social issues, including:

  • Product safety and health: Products must be safe for human health and the environment. This includes meeting standards for toxicity, emissions, and other pollutants.
  • Energy efficiency: These products must use less energy than comparable products. This can be achieved through a variety of measures, such as using more efficient materials or designing the product to be more energy-efficient.
  • Water conservation: Conservation of water is of utmost importance. Using recycled water or designing the product to use less water are ways that water conservation should be considered.
  • Waste reduction: The product must be designed to minimise waste. Does the product use recyclable materials or is it designed to be easily disassembled for recycling?
  • Material selection: Sustainable materials must be used in the creation of these products.  This includes using materials that are renewable, recyclable, or recycled.
  • Social responsibility: The product must be produced in a socially responsible manner.  Workers must be treated fairly and that the production process should not harm the environment.

Phoenix submitted their Enviro316 basin, vessel and sink mixer to be assessed by GreenTag and received a Level A GreenTag and a Platinum level health rating certification.  Both are testament to the exceedingly high quality of this collection.


Enviro316 Vessel and Basin Mixer with GreenTag certifications

GreenTag relevance for rating tools for commercial projects

Having Enviro316 mixers equipped with the GreenTag GreenRate Level A and Platinum Health certifications is relevant to building rating systems as they can assist with buildings earning points or credits toward their sustainability goals. Specifically, the GreenTag GreenRate Level A certification aligns with Green Star (the Green Building Council of Australia’s rating system), the Infrastructure Sustainability Council’s IS ratings, and the Earthcheck Rating Tool, which caters to the hospitality and tourism sectors. Additionally, the GreenTag Platinum Health certification is applicable not only to the Green Star rating system but also extends to international standards such as WELL and LEED.  An expansion on the specific rating tools within these systems and the credits that Enviro316 is relevant to, may be found below (click to enlarge).


Why is it important to look for GreenTag certified products when specifying for a project?

GreenTag is important for sustainable building because it helps to ensure that the materials and products used in construction are safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. By choosing GreenTag certified products, specifiers can help to reduce the environmental impact of their projects and create healthier, more sustainable homes. We can elaborate on some of the most important reasons:

  • To protect health and safety. GreenTag certified products are made with materials and processes that are safe for human health and the environment. This means that you can be confident that the home being designed will be free from harmful pollutants and toxins.
  • To reduce environmental impact. To help reduce environmental impact by using less energy, water, and materials, specify GreenTag products. This can help to conserve natural resources and protect the planet for future generations.
  • To save money.  Products that are GreenTag certified can save money on energy bills and water bills. They can also increase the value of a home.
  • To improve quality of life. GreenTag certified homes are more comfortable and healthier to live in.


What are some of the GreenTag certified products to look for when specifying for a project?

  • Building materials:  timber, bricks, concrete, cladding and insulation, made with sustainable resources and production processes.
  • Interior fittings and fixtures: tapware (Enviro316 by Phoenix), door hardware, blinds and window fittings designed to reduce environmental impact.
  • Furniture:  made with recycled materials and/or sustainably harvested timber, free from harmful chemicals and pollutants.
  • Electrical appliances:  energy efficient and using less water, with lower emissions than conventional appliances.


A bathroom featuring products from the Enviro316 collection


By choosing GreenTag certified products, such as the Enviro316 collection from Phoenix, specifiers and homeowners can make a positive impact on the environment and the health and well-being of the people who will live in the homes being designed.  This helps to create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

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